Only Child X


New Album from Christian Critzer (2021)

  In early 2019, after several years as front man of The Mad Anthonys, I decided to take a break to focus back on acoustic songwriting. The following months would deliver what will be my first solo album “OnlyChildX”.

    As we were wrapping up production in Spring 2020 the world changed. And like so many, we have been navigating our way through the days after that.  After all this, and some personal pitfalls, family crises, and other surprises that make life what it is, the album is finally here!

You will find on major music streaming services, including these linked below.

  Above are two official videos from the release which I created and produced to add dimension to the stories of these songs. (The time away has actually allowed me to bring my passion for visual art together with my love of music and songwriting).  There will be more when the official music channel on YouTube is coordinated.  Our Vimeo Channel is available in the meantime.

I am excited to bring this album to you and look forward to see you at a performance soon!


–Christian Critzer, July 2nd, 2021

Available on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon